

J. eats podcasts in huge bites—in the gym, on his bike, in the car. He’s shared a few sticky things from a clinical psychologist, writer and speaker who challenges him. Put your shoulders back (bravely face the world and your difficulties), and creativity is a powerful antidote to depression. I’ve gotten…

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Aspiration, Ideals


I feel like I went to church at The Blue Room and there were a thousand points of light to illuminate and connect what has been on my mind. We went to hear live R&B. The man on the stool next to me in the sort of makeshift balcony assumed…

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architecture Juliet Rome
Aspiration, Lifestyle

Form and function, sure, and what about me?

We’ve all heard the famous axiom of Chicago Architect Louis Sullivan (1856–1924): form follows function. Frank Lloyd Wright elevated the teaching of his mentor to argue over his lifetime of work that form and function are one. So many others have argued that what we create must be aesthetically pleasing—beautiful—and…

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Earl Grey with my tête-à-tête, please

I have loved tearooms and the tea experience all my adult life. Sunday high tea in Stirling, Scotland, in the home of an elderly woman after a walk around the village green was high adventure—and a cheery, calming presence—for a young, newly arrived college woman.  J. and I fell in…

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