


J. eats podcasts in huge bites—in the gym, on his bike, in the car. He’s shared a few sticky things from a clinical psychologist, writer and speaker who challenges him. Put your shoulders back (bravely face the world and your difficulties), and creativity is a powerful antidote to depression. I’ve gotten stuck on the creative bit. J. writes creative briefs to name, brand and build programming and products for golf professionals and clubs around the country. To dissect creativity is to think about him.

To watch him is to understand that creativity comes from inspiration that comes from exposure that comes from wanting to learn. J. is a persistent learner who gleans from things like theology, psychology, health and fitness, food and drink, fashion, music and politics. Either good fortune or tenacity, he’s enjoyed encounters with musical artists because he’s not afraid to get close and lean in. He is a sponge for the details of their genius and bent. Ironically, his working philosophy was affirmed recently by a comment in a conversation he consumed: “If you want to be creative go be entertained.”

I love the food and beverage industry and find inspiration in everything from wine labels to white linen and flowers. My favorite interviews for clients are with chefs. Good content comes from asking about what drives them and how they drive their kitchens, what books sit on their bedside table, what they eat at home, who in the F&B world they follow, what keeps them up at night.

If creativity is a spool I have to get up and out of myself to find and unwind the material for it. I have to be willing to learn.

About Laurie

Laurie Carney is a strategist, writer, editor and account executive in her professional life. She is at home with her husband Jeffrey, also a strategist and creative director/writer, and silly rescue Poshie, Bonnie (aka Golden Bear). She has four beautiful children now that her son and daughter are happily married and five small grands playing starring roles.
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