Juliet Rome Lifestyle When Duct Tape Fails
Hospitality, Ideals, Lifestyle


The play of morning light on the unlit tree and the master violinist behind it put a fine point on something I’ve been thinking about. Preparing for a Christmas gathering last week, I pulled out the red accordion file I’ve used for decades to store recipes and tasting notes. Too…

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Style Juliet Rome Lifestyle
Aspiration, Home, Hospitality, Ideals, Lifestyle, Table Talk

venir à la table

A professional colleague posted this morning about the importance of learning/teaching soft skills. For that reason, this remains one of my favorite Juliet Rome Table Talk conversations (previously published May 18, 2022). Thank you, Christa, for sharing your gifts.   My best balcony person played matchmaker for this Table Talk conversation…

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Juliet Rome Lifestyle To Be Known
Aspiration, Hospitality, Ideals


We talked about it—my question, introvert or extrovert?—over coffee this morning. One of the interesting aspects of a career in the service industry is exposure to personality theory and models. We have served a pioneer with a global and acclaimed footprint of work in this behavioral field and origin story…

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