Aspiration, Home, Hospitality, Ideals, Lifestyle


Juliet Rome Lifestyle Blog Eggstra Mile

One of the first gift’s our darling DIL (daughter in love) gave J. was a piñata for his birthday. This is the girl who brought from her family to ours the tradition of hats and party bead necklaces to punctuate a celebration, so no surprise when she shared this text from her much-loved Aunt Michelle:

“Can’t wait to have our family all together!!!

Sat. April 16

Easter eggstravaganza!!!

*Eggstreme egg hunt at 11:00

*Mimosas and memories

*Eggcellent egg coloring

*Foxy’s favorites foods and Easter eggstras

*Celebration cake and papa’s 88th Birthday

*Eggciting decorations for bikes strollers and wagons

*Bring your baskets and bonnets for the parade to the enchanted forest

Easter bunny is hopping everyone can be here!

Love you!!!!

It’s going to be a lot of pun!!!”

I believe families are stitched together one memory at a time so Aunt Michelle’s eggstraordinary care make her my Easter hero. Behind the fun for everyone 8 months to 88, the loving remembrance of a grandmother—Foxy—who just passed, and the sure-to-be boisterous celebration of Grandpa Skip, is her heart of service and sacrifice.

And that is the story of Easter.

About Laurie

Laurie Carney is a strategist, writer, editor and account executive in her professional life. She is at home with her husband Jeffrey, also a strategist and creative director/writer, and silly rescue Poshie, Bonnie (aka Golden Bear). She has four beautiful children now that her son and daughter are happily married and five small grands playing starring roles.
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