Me, inspired by an Instagram post: I’d like to enjoy a hot drink inside a greenhouse. J: Go do it. Me: Can’t. Have too much work. J: Oh, stop being so German.
I’ve been thinking about my life under the cloche and how we all default to a space. My lists and time are all cozy inside the push cloche. If you need something done, I’m your girl. Tickety-boo, tickety-boo. I stage because one stages to push. J. is the consummate stager…creative director and developer, he’s as happy as a clam inside his head or doodling on paper. Never take away his handy-dandy golf pencil because it might just frame the next great idea. I evaluate because…well, my honor as a pusher is at stake. I celebrate because I’m a peacekeeper and balcony person by nature, but love it when celebrating lines up nicely with my push agenda and schedule.
Yes, part 2 is about examining the dusty cloche…for me, learning to persist. Once, so many years ago, J. and I sat in a pastor’s office where we’d gathered to talk about strategic planning and rabbit-trailed to talk about petite disciplines. (This fellow had started vocational life as an executive recruiter in California and been called to ministry. He made faith as natural as breathing, or like circling a help-wanted ad in red.)
Petite disciplines are those things that show up under the persist cloche…like a good exercise routine or meditation and prayer…and a wise person elevates them like a first cup of coffee. I am not often wise in the way of this as they receive my attention after I’ve completed my push list or not at all.
Steady plodding brings prosperity in the persist space. It might not bring the same rush as checking boxes on our push lists, but it produces fertile soil.