I love Colorado. If J. and the altitude got along better, we might live there. I looked up through the skylight in the kitchen this morning to see the leaves on an old cottonwood tree more than 100 feet in the air shimmering like an aspen in the fall. They…
They skip along the upper rail of the Jenny Lind black-spindled DaVinci crib. Soft pine meets sore gums. Once more when I passed it this morning, I couldn’t bring myself to erase them with mother’s magic, a black Sharpie. They’re behind my why, the reason I love what I love…
I wondered this morning if you would serve us ortolan, a fellow book lover quipped as she left our home. She was joking, of course, as the practice of eating this French delicacy has, fortunately, for animal lovers like me who equate it with barbarism, been outlawed. I was, however,…
See inside the Juliet Rome shop for NEW PAPER GOODS!
Backstory, soup to nuts is the second iteration of a Juliet Rome notepad, and it’s designed to give more space to noodle the day’s to-do list. Inspiration for the breadcrumbs notepad came from losing the trail to fabulous Staffordshire hunting dogs with prey in their mouths and picking it back…
It’s been more than two years since I lost that night of sleep over this. If I were to create a new blog category for posts, it would be seasons, because surely I somehow skipped into a new one that allowed a little bit of time for this … an…
Five encounters. A raised chain stitch through them all. A dear friend I have not seen nor talked to in nearly five years. She texted the link to a Gary Brecka (human biologist and former actuarial professional) video about health pillars like breathing and spending time outside … sun and…