Kim brought a layered berry blitz torte to our home to go with the charcuterie we served before music theatre. Maybe she brought it to step up our light food and beverage offering (an unintended pun; we saw A Chorus Line that evening). She “wrapped it” in a newspaper clip with…
Beauty in brokenness and the remarkable capacity of the human spirit
We opened our door into the blinding lights of a dozen emergency vehicles, twisted metal and an explosion of glass. Two jet pilots here for training and covered in the powder of it say our new, sleek van saved their lives. Parked on the street in front of our apartment,…
Knife, fork and spoonful of credit
We branded a farm in Kansas that we now find out our back door each Saturday in the summer at the Old Town Farmers’ Market. When we’re home we’ll walk with Freddie and coffee and trade news with our owner/grower friend. She called this week and credited our work for…
Toni, teachable moments and places in our lives like Rome
Toni (lifelong friend and living-breathing muse) and I lingered over lunch at a favorite French bistro. We talked about work, loving work and being in no hurry to stop working and our conversation strayed to living beautifully in spite of the demands of work. We parted on a challenge to…
Their spirits climbed on the ladder of his creative brief
J. named and wrote a creative brief for a new restaurant concept for clients who are friends. Their high spirits were contagious as we sat and talked about siting for best exposures, how they’d entice one of the region’s best chefs away from what would be their fiercest competitor and…
I have a love affaire with tables
I’ve prized them in our home through life. Our first table, an iron, glass-topped, hexagon gem, was a garage-sale find that fit perfectly in our cozy townhome. Our French dining table and chairs were my heartthrob; in recent years, as I tried to sell them, they became a nonstarter. Paint…