Aspiration, Ideals

Knife, fork and spoonful of credit

We branded a farm in Kansas that we now find out our back door each Saturday in the summer at the Old Town Farmers’ Market. When we’re home we’ll walk with Freddie and coffee and trade news with our owner/grower friend.  

She called this week and credited our work for bringing her opportunities like farm-to-fork dinners, their new agritourism business and a growing Community Supported Agriculture enterprise. 

When you’re in business to serve a large number of clients across dozens of industries and disciplines, you experience many kinds of reactions to strategic and creative work. There is the non-reaction from the client who expected what you delivered how and when you delivered it. There is the rebuttal reaction…not as threatening as invalidation, but leaning toward something like dismissal on the basis of how well the work moved the needle. There is the what’s next question from the client who’s moved smoothly and unemotionally north to another bullseye. 

I believe it takes grace and confidence to give credit in life and work, understanding it doesn’t diminish you while it’s enlarging someone else. It’s different than expressing gratitude…more courageous…because it takes the spotlight off self and places a large beam on the gifts and talents and contributions of someone else. 

Susan’s call inspired and encouraged me for its connection to the idea of being a balcony person. We won’t stop for a minute to give credit to someone unless we really see and appreciate them. Her call challenged me. The act of giving credit is really the gift of affirmation. It’s a choice that can become a lovely discipline and bridge to an expansive, elegant life. 

About Laurie

Laurie Carney is a strategist, writer, editor and account executive in her professional life. She is at home with her husband Jeffrey, also a strategist and creative director/writer, and silly rescue Poshie, Bonnie (aka Golden Bear). She has four beautiful children now that her son and daughter are happily married and five small grands playing starring roles.
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