
A beautiful understanding of the lopsided cake

Nothing is perfect - Juliet Rome a lifestyle blog by Laurie Carney

Kim brought a layered berry blitz torte to our home to go with the charcuterie we served before music theatre. Maybe she brought it to step up our light food and beverage offering (an unintended pun; we saw A Chorus Line that evening). She “wrapped it” in a newspaper clip with a featured photo and recipe…display for her pursuit and fun apology for how it tilted.

I thought about that incredibly delicious cake last night after I shared my attempt at a decision matrix for our next home or apartment with J. on the terrace over cocktails. We talked about things like location, type of structure, necessary amenities (a garage, in light of recent events), space for container gardening and a dozen other aspirations. We agreed we couldn’t expect to check every box. Nothing is perfect.

True, but isn’t a beautiful life about accepting nothing is perfect and the fun of pursuing it (perfection) anyway? I am a planner by nature and vocation so the days and weeks leading up to any kind of gathering or life event are the crème de la crème for me. Maybe because that space before the curtain goes up is still perfect. It’s the sacred space where we dream of the ideal and carry every detail of our vision around with us. And it’s the sweet imprint that remains after the curtain call to balance the not-so-perfect.


About Laurie

Laurie Carney is a strategist, writer, editor and account executive in her professional life. She is at home with her husband Jeffrey, also a strategist and creative director/writer, and silly rescue Poshie, Bonnie (aka Golden Bear). She has four beautiful children now that her son and daughter are happily married and five small grands playing starring roles.
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